Sunday, 31 January 2010
Saturday, 30 January 2010
○ハンサムOR 美人
Sunday, 10 January 2010
The First Day of Vienna
ホテルはNeubau Gurtel通りにありSubway Stationから徒歩数分、ショッピング街の一つであるMaria Hilfer通りへも数分のロケーション。ホテル内、Roomもきれいに保たれ、ホテルの朝食は人気がある。
Honeyと私はMaria Hilfer通りのショッピング街を歩いてViennaの中心へ向かった。Cakeで有名なVienna、至る所にお洒落なCafeがあり、私たちもCafeで休憩!Cakeに舌鼓。HoneyがオーダーしたのはGugelhupf。
まっすぐ続くMaria Hilfer通りを抜け、Burg-Albertina Gartenに到着、そこにかの有名なMozartの肖像がある。そのGardenを通り抜けるとAlbertina Platzに出る。周辺にはInfomation CenterやMozart Cafe、オペラハウスStaatsoperがある。
舞台裏を見ることはバレエを習っていた私にとっては感激!(ガイドの話では:チケットは一ヶ月前から発売される。一番安いシートは8€だが、角度が悪くほとんど舞台が見えないらしい。Standing Seatは4€でステージからの最高の場所で鑑賞することができる。当日券のみで、開演一時間ほど前から発売されるが、その数時間前からチケットを求めて並ぶことになるということ。) 冬のヨーロッパは日暮れが早い上、やはり寒い!私たちはDpernring通りからHilfer通りへ戻り、Austriaで有名なBreadなどを購入してホテルへ戻った。
The Second Day of Vienna
<Schloss Schonbrunn Palace>
Honeyと私はSchloss Schonbrunn Palaceへ。
最寄のWeast Bahnhof駅からトロリー電車で15分ほど!Schloss Schonbrunn Palaceのちょうど前に到着。Grand Tour Ticket13€ Per Personを購入(すべてのRoomを見ることができる。Audioガイド付き)
かの有名なMaria ThereseaやElisabeth(Sisi)も使用したPalace。イギリスのバッキンガム宮殿やフランスのベルサイユ宮殿に並ぶ豪華絢爛のPalace.また、Gardenも広大で真っ白な雪に覆われた風景も趣がある。(見学には1時間半から2時間必要。)
<Upper Belvedere to Lower Belvedere>
その後、私たちはPalaceの前から地下鉄でKarlsplatz Stationへ向かい、そこから地上のトロリー電車に乗ってUpper BelvedereとLower Belvedereへ。Ticketは12€建物、Gardenはやはり美しい。ただ、館内は絵画など美術品展示が主でHoneyは楽しめなかった見たい。近代の絵画が多く私の好みでもなかった。。んー、お目当ての絵画があるなら価値があるが、Artに興味がなければ、建物やGardenだけを鑑賞するだけでもOKかも。。。(見学所要一時間から一時間半)
私たちは同じトロリー電車に乗ってKarlsplatz Stationへ戻る。この駅の周辺はOpera Houseやショッピング街のKarlsplatz Strabe通りにつながっている。Karlsplatz Strabe通りにあるCafeで一休み。私たちは、SachertoreやEsterhazytote,Melange Coffee, Wineなどをオーダー!美味しい!
その後、Opera Houseの前を通って、Mariahilfer Strabe通りへ向かい、ウィンドウショッピングをしながら歩いてホテルへ戻った。
The Third Day of Vienna
首先我们去了Karlsplatz地铁站。在地铁站上面有一个有名的教堂名字叫Karlskirche 门票一个人4€。教堂里面有一点跟英国的不一样。我感觉暗了一点而且更加隆重嘚感觉。里面有电梯可以上,教堂的天井有很多票亮的图画。我们可以靠近得看他们。
在Karntner Strasse街的中心那里有一个很有名的教堂名字叫Stephansdom.这个教堂是一个Vienna的标志所以一定要看!免费!
在Hundertwasserhau附近的路面电车前面我门看到一个二手货衣服店。平时不在乎这些店 但看到一些可爱地Austria民族味道的衣服就进去了。
我们走按过来的路慢慢回去。我发了现在街上很多帽子店。Ausria是一个很冷的国家,很多人戴帽子而且帽子的样子也有一点不同。我也一个很喜欢戴帽子的人!当然想要买一个。。。真好大减价的季节 我门找到一个好的店,也找到了适合我的帽子! 《Cafe Mozart》 开心得买东西过后,,我们去了我最想去的咖啡厅Mozart!!很好的气氛和好吃的蛋糕!
《Opera Show》
即使我们已经放弃去看Opera。可是偶然我们走过Opera House回去时 看到很少人等买票。那时侯已经5点了。虽然还有一个多是小时的时间还要等,,,但我们觉得人数方面和时间方面来说算是好。我们排队,买了standing票!表演的时间是俩个小时 再加上排队买票嘚时间是一个多小时,及时我们总共站着至少3个小时了!就是值得看吗??很难回答的问题!可是就是一种很好的经验 而且气氛和Opera was so nice!
晚上9点多 我们坐地铁回酒店!
The Fourth Day of Vienna
Ticket Price is €9.9.
It is outstanding Museum. The Museum Own huge collections of Silver and Pottery which were used by Royal Family. And also The museum get through to Imperial Apartment part which Sisi used to live.
I have quite studied about sisi from this museum. Now I am really interested in the life of Sisi.
After Then...We had lunch in the restaurant. We ate one of famous Austria meal is called Wiener Schnitzel.....In fact, It was not very special meal that is just fried thin chicken and Pork only!!
we walked through Naglergasse Graben that one of main shopping area and got into main street of karntner Strasse. Slowly Walked and looked around again...We took subway from Karlsplatz station to back to The Hotel.
We had a very nice New Year trip and I really want to visit to Vienna or other part of Austria again....
Monday, 4 January 2010
My Recomendation Rstaurant in London ★★
Turkish style Restaurant. I have been to TAS on Bloomesbury Street which is next to British Museum. The restaurant is decorated quite nice and also there are a few table outside of restaurant It would be nice to have lunch time in summer. The restaurant supply home made Turkish bread which baking by its big oven also serve Turkish dipping sauce...for bread and dipping for main meal. I love that! Price is vey reasnonable. Lunch set is below 10 pound per per person.
I have ordered Lamb as main course it is delicious!
"Zizzi" ★★
This is very popular chain restaurant in London. I think that it is quite acceptable relatively with price and atmospher and taste. I love eating "Parmaham and cheese with bread set" from starter...also I would prefer its pasta than pizza. I have been to zizze several times but The restaurant close to Paddington Station is the best stmospher. its have outside table with candle right that is also in fromt of Canal.
"Le PONT de La TOUR" ★★
It has a great view of Tower Bridge from restaurant. There are table outside with warm stove in the winter so I do not worry to get cold! We totall had romantic dinner here... The problem is ...taste of meal. I feel that it is not very good. Th food is simple mad so....I think that the price just worth for romatic view.
New Year 2010
Hight Tea in the Swiss Hotel
There are many types of flavor tea we are allow to choose from. I am a person who love drinking tea so in this point I was quite satisfied about it.One more thing is Scone.It was crispy surface of scone and soft inside. I like the texture of texture of its scone. However, Other cakes and sandwiches for hight tea did not give me any surprise and the test and looks were very normal.
Swiss Hotel is located in next to Temple station also right in front of Therms River.
We got offer price £16 but normally Hight tea was £21 a per person.
Merry Christmas
also I made soup which made from butter nut and leeks. It was thick and tasty! and I made sponge cake with fruit.
even though it's just for us we had a Happy Christmas in London.